Yempo PH Blogs

Employee Spotlight - Nomer

Employee Spotlight: Nomer

This month, the light shines again on Nomer, a former member of the Yempo Admin team as the Technical & Operations Support Analyst who has been promoted to one of our client’s Service Desk Analysts. Read on as he shares with us how he adapted to a new role, his day-to-day responsibilities, and a vision of his future.

Can you describe your role at Yempo?

I work for one of the clients of Yempo. We provide IT solutions (i.e., Service Desk, NOC, Infrastructure, etc.,) to other companies and even other MSPs worldwide. As one of the techs, I manage and support a wide range of technologies (Workstations, Servers, Networking, Messaging, AntiVirus, RMM, etc.,) 

How long have you been working here?

I started working in May 2019 as an onsite IT support of Yempo and later joined one of Yempo’s clients in November 2020 when I was offered an opportunity to be part of them which I was very grateful for. 

What can Yempo employees contact you about?

Anything related to IT. I am in no way an expert but I will try my best to answer them. 

Can you share any latest projects you’re working on in 2022?

Currently working on SharePoint and RMM improvements. 

What do you love most about your job?

We handle and support a lot of things so every day is always new. I don’t get bored as I am always learning. 

What are your strongest skills?

Being resourceful and adaptable. Traits that were a big help for me to be able to stay and thrive in IT. 

What was a challenge you experienced at Yempo and how was it solved?

The transition from an In-house IT to an MSP environment was challenging. In-house support is quite laid back but MSP is fast-paced. As always, it was only challenging at first but I eventually got used to it. As long as you love what you do, you’re good. 

What do you like best about Yempo’s culture?

Yempo has been a great company for me. Yempo Admin team when I was still part of them and now that I am a part of a client’s team, it has been really great and I enjoy working with them. I know that Yempo care for and values its employees. 

Which core value (commitment, excellence, community) is the most important to you? Why?

Excellence. I always like to give my best at what I do. 

Where do you see your career 5 years from now?

A more knowledgeable IT Professional. 

Do you have quotes, advice, or mottos that you follow that might inspire other Yempo employees?

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching. Growth starts at the end of your comfort zone.