Yempo PH Blogs

Employee Spotlight: Billy

This month’s employee spotlight falls on one of our client-facing Accounts Receivables Officers – Billy. Get to know a little bit about him, his experiences, and what he has to say to others who might be struggling in finding their right calling.

Describe what you do at Yempo.

I am an Accounts Receivables Officer business based in Melbourne, Australia. I handle Sales Accounts Receivables Ledger for Australia and New Zealand including Non-Accounts Jobs and Purchases as well.

My typical day consist of monitoring my aged receivables, confirming if all prepayment jobs/sales were indeed paid, collections, dispute resolution, refunds, reconciliation, cash research, inbound and outbound calls, and a lot of other fun stuff that the Accounts Receivables work can offer.

Have you always pursued a career in your current line of work? What made you decide to shift roles?

I am already in my 15th year in the collections industry. I tried sales but I felt that I am more connected with collections. It is very straightforward, and you need to be good at numbers and soft skills to be able to succeed on this line of work. You also need to keep your mind open as most of the time we are always investigating, verifying, and confirming.

What brought you to Yempo? How is your experience here and what do you love most about it?

Actually, Yempo is the result of my 700+ applications on Indeed. LOL!

When I experienced WFH, my life changed as I was able to spend more time with family and avoid the tedious and tiring commute to work. When I heard rumors in my previous company that we will go hybrid (part office and part WFH setup), I took a leap of faith and applied to Yempo. Yempo is amazing and I guess it will be the future of outsourcing by removing the hierarchy stuff and focus more on employee well-being and quality work output.

What are your hobbies and what do you usually enjoy doing in your free time?

Aside from family stuff (golden rule…family first!), usually, I bike around the city especially during my lunch time going to our “Palengke” to drink kapeng barako or on the nearby coffee shops for that instant caffeine dose.

Non-fiction books and street photography also pique my interest.

I also love riding our scooter around the beautiful Taal Lake with my lovely wife. Batangas itself is like a big sanctuary wherein you can find peace, fun and lively people, and the best place to live in and I am saying that with no bias whatsoever.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

Not a fun fact though but a good-to-know fact, I am living my third life right now.

Way back 2007, I got hit by a speeding SUV and thank God there were no broken bones though I had to do a triple somersault in the air before I hit the ground and crawl to the center aisle to avoid the other speeding cars that might have delivered the killing blow. LOL!

In 2016, I got stranded in the middle of the ocean for 30 mins with nothing but my floaters beside a giant navy ship (that’s how far I was from the shore). I got saved by the locals with their motorboats.

Life is precious, short, and fun. Make the most of it.

Do you have any advice for those who feel like they have not found their calling?

First, you must seek God. “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” Matthew 6:33

Second, do your best. Doing your best will give you two things; you may miserably fail or succeed with flying colours. Always thank the Lord for the closed doors as it will be easy to look for the right path wherein he will bless you abundantly and fill your cup up to the brim to overflow and be a blessing to others.