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Things To Consider When Negotiating a Job Offer

Things To Consider When Negotiating a Job Offer

You’ve just received a job offer, but you think it’s unfair relative to your talents and expertise. While it can be daunting, negotiating a job offer is important to your career journey. It determines not only your salary but also your benefits and long-term career path.  And a successful negotiation will boost your confidence!

In this article, we’ll provide tips and reminders on negotiating with your potential employer.

Understand and evaluate your offer.

Don’t rush to negotiate. Before suggesting any variance, ensure you understand the job offer in detail, including all components not limited to salary. These might include:

  • Benefits: HMO (including dependents), bonuses, allowances.
  • Work-life Balance: Vacation days, remote work options, work flexibility.
  • Job Role and Expectations: Job security, job tasks, growth opportunities.

Do your research.

Knowledge is power and many tools and resources are easily accessible online. Consider looking for the following when doing your homework:

  • Market Rates: This is where online tools like LinkedIn or Glassdoor come in. They can give insight into the market standard for the role in your respective location.
  • Company’s Reputation: A financially healthy company might be more flexible with negotiating, but a great company with its employees’ best interest in mind already offers the best possible salary market value and is transparent with its salary range.

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Learn to compromise.

Remember that negotiations are about finding a balance. They involve finding a middle ground where all parties feel their needs are respected. If an employer cannot meet your salary demands, consider other benefits to compensate for it.

Negotiate beyond salary.

Yes, your salary is very important, but it is not the be-all and end-all. Remember that this is just one part of the offered package. After considering everything, if you still feel like you want to negotiate, you ask for:

  • Bonuses: Performance-based bonuses or signing bonuses.
  • Benefits: Enhanced health coverage, retirement plans, flexible work options, or additional vacation days.
  • Professional Growth: Support for certifications or learning conferences.

Put everything in writing.

Document all the details in your response to the offer letter to prevent future misunderstandings. Ask the company’s recruiter to document all details in the revised offer. The adjusted salary, benefits, job role, and other negotiated terms must be in writing.

After the negotiation, evaluate how it aligns with your career goals, financial needs, and expectations. Once you’re satisfied, formally accept the offer. If you find the revised offer does not meet your needs, or the company refuses to negotiate to your minimum requirements, decline the offer. You should never accept a role you aren’t excited to take.

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