Yempo PH Blogs


Employee Spotlight: Skippher

This time, the Yempo Employee Spotlight is on Skippher. Being a business intelligence analyst like Skippher, who’s been with Yempo for about four years now, means having a professional role that focuses on the important work of end-to-end payroll processing from generation to disbursement. Skippher also helps in preparing client invoicing, particularly client financial reports, as well as doing other human resources work.

Can you describe your role at Yempo?

I work as a Business Intelligence Analyst. My main job is to do end-to-end payroll, from its computation to disbursement. I also do financial reports related to client invoicing, and a few of HR tasks.

How long have you been working here?

I’ll be celebrating my 4th year anniversary on 16th March, 2019.

What can Yempo employees contact you about?

Employees can reach me if they have queries and concerns about payroll, and other benefits such as HMO coverage, etc.

Can you share any projects you’re working on in 2019?

I am working on a couple of projects that are basically focused on how we can better attend to employees’ queries and concerns. This includes building the forms within an Employee HR Service Desk and implementing changes in Bamboo, our HR Portal.

What do you love most about your job?

The most satisfying part about my job is when I can make sure that employees get what they have worked for, and when they are happy with how we deliver the benefits. Payroll disputes are inevitable, but it can also make an employee lose interest in a company if they experience it always.

What are your strongest skills?

Analytics. I’m mostly into analyzing things. I tend to overthink sometimes while doing so, but I guess it has its good side.

What was a challenge you experienced at Yempo and how was it solved?

Communicating through Skype and email is a challenge. I would say the main means of communication for all Yempo employees is through Skype and email. We have three sites, two of which are in Manila. We also have our clients offshore. Personally, I prefer to and can express more when I can see the person that I’m talking to. But I guess it needs some getting used to. Yempo will be offering trainings in communication or other things, so that would help.

What do you like best about Yempo’s culture?

Everyone here reports to different clients and does different things, but somehow everyone just fits perfectly.

Which core value (commitment, excellence, community) is the most important to you? Why?

Community, the need to recognize that our achievements depends on the people that we work with. Collaboration with these people will help us achieve our personal and the company goals.

Where do you see your career five years from now?

Currently, I can’t see anything specific. I mean I have a lot of things that I really would want to learn and do. But I can say one thing that’s for sure, I’ll still be with Yempo doing those things.

Do you have quotes, advice or a motto that you follow that might inspire other Yempo employees?

Speak out, step out, and learn more. All employees are dispensable, it’s up to you to bring more value to your role.