Yempo PH Blogs

How To Navigate a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

No employee wants to hear that their performance at work is inadequate, or they are not meeting expectations, especially if they are already on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). Being on a PIP is a difficult position to be in but it is not the end of your career. 

Even though it’s disappointing to be on a PIP, its main goal is to help you improve the quality of your work. A PIP maps out what you need to do and tells you exactly what is required for you to meet the company’s expectations of you. Relax, take a deep breath, process your emotions, and let us help you understand how to get through this tough spot. 

1. Have a positive outlook 

Sure, it’s easier said than done, especially when you’re not on the chopping block. But taking the time to understand why you were put there sets the groundwork for a positive change. Remember that the PIP is there to help you grow, not to drag you down. 

Looking at it with a positive view can help you create good working habits, and it can help you grow out of the bad ones you’ve established. Once you’re in the right headspace, you can now easily understand the following points:

  • Why are you put on a PIP? 
  • What are the objectives? 
  • What are the expectations? 
  • When should this be accomplished? 

2. Set your own goals 

The PIP is the company’s set goals for you, but what about your goals for self-improvement? It always helps to have your own goals that you expect to achieve, not someone else’s expectations of you. 

Setting and hitting your own targets that you made for yourself can make the journey more fun and fulfilling. This can also help you work harder and exceed expectations while showing your organisation that you’re willing to improve and excel, not only in your role but for yourself.

3. Ask for help from your supervisor 

If you don’t understand, ask. There is no shame in asking for help. Understanding where you’re falling short and how you can improve is crucial. Constructive feedback can provide valuable insights and help you make the necessary adjustments to meet the PIP requirements. 

Ask questions, ask for constructive criticism, and advice. Not only does asking to help you improve, but it can also clarify, understand, and help you to learn what you need to do. It prevents misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page. 

4. Communicate progress 

Open and honest communication goes a long way during this challenging period. Regularly checking your progress with your manager demonstrates your commitment to this change and your willingness to improve. 

Frequent conversations with your manager help keep you on track while establishing a healthy working relationship with your superior. During the process, you can receive regular feedback and adjust your goals. 

Yempo has always supported its employees while valuing everyone’s commitment, excellence, and a sense of community in our employees and aspiring candidates. We ask employees about their personal and professional goals to help them achieve them and more!  

Yempo welcomes aspiring applicants looking for a company that values growth and development like you! Visit our jobs page to find the perfect job to advance your career! 

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