Yempo PH Blogs

employee spotlight claudz

Employee Spotlight: Claudz

This month, the spotlight falls on Claudz, a Mechanical Design Engineer at Yempo. In this role, she oversees the mechanical design of new products from conceptualization to manufacturing as well as researching different and new innovative technologies that can lead the team to deliver services. Read on to get a glimpse of Claudz, her work, and the bright spots of working at Yempo.

Can you describe your role at Yempo?

As a Mechanical Design Engineer at Yempo, I oversee the mechanical design of new products from conceptualization to manufacturing which includes product architecture, CAD design with Solidworks, detailing, materials selection, hardware, and electrical components simulation, prototyping, testing, verification, etc. I also do research on different technologies that can be applied to the projects we’re working on.

When did you start working at Yempo?

I started working at Yempo in July 2021, almost six months now.

What can Yempo employees contact you about?

They can contact me anything about mechanical design, product design, parametric modeling, 2d detailing, Solidworks interface and how-to’s, etc.

Can you share any latest projects you’re working on in 2021?

I have been working on product research and development of a portable decontamination unit that will be used in smaller spaces in UK health facilities, laboratories, etc.

What do you love most about your job?

I love arts and design that’s why I pursued a design engineer career path. I love being able to express my creativity and my engineering expertise in the projects we have been doing. I also like being challenged with the tasks given to me which drives me to learn things I’m unfamiliar with.

What are your strongest skills?

I am detail-oriented which is helpful with the projects I have been working on. I am also quick to learn things so whenever I’m faced with something unfamiliar, I try to learn it on my own with different materials I can get from the internet and apply it to my tasks.

What was a challenge you experienced at Yempo and how was it solved?

I think the only challenge I experienced was during my first few weeks which has something to do with the Solidworks application set up on my computer. It was easily resolved with Yempo IT team as well as my manager who helped me initiate communication with both parties.

What do you like best about Yempo’s culture?

I like how the management has been giving constant updates on how the company is doing every month thru newsletters. I also like the work-life balance that we have which is something I really value.

Which core value (commitment, excellence, community) is the most important to you? Why?

The most important for me is commitment. When you commit to something, you make sure you do your best to achieve the best results.

Where do you see your career 5 years from now?

Five years from now, I can see myself flourishing in my career as a Mechanical Design Engineer. I have probably accomplished a decontamination unit that is being used worldwide that helps with infection control.

Do you have quotes, advice, or mottos that you follow that might inspire other Yempo employees?

Everything happens for a reason. Trust His ways.