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employee spotlight christine

Employee Spotlight: Christine

Being a Senior Accountant can be a challenging job, as Christine relates. The role is tasked with ensuring timely payments of reimbursements, suppliers, tax returns, and maintaining accurate financial records and control reports. While the role is fraught with responsibility, it also brings rewards. Read on to get a glimpse of Christine, her work, and the bright spots of working at Yempo.

Can you describe your role at Yempo?

As a Senior Accountant at Yempo, my role is to assist our Finance Manager in all finance-related matters. This includes recording reimbursements, payments to suppliers, preparing tax returns, and ensuring that taxes are paid properly and on time. As an accountant, I need to ensure the accuracy of financial documents, as well as their compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

When did you start working at Yempo?

I have been with Yempo for 9 months. I joined last March 2021.

What can Yempo employees contact you about?

They can contact me about anything related to finance such as expense reimbursements, liquidations, pay-outs, etc.

Can you share any latest projects you’re working on in 2021?

Together with our Finance Manager, we are working on BIR Audit 2019.

What do you love most about your job?

I love numbers that’s why I choose to be an accountant. I enjoy being able to get involved in the business and understand its strategy and how it operates.

What are your strongest skills?

I am flexible. I can easily adapt to any environment, and I can learn a task quickly.

What was a challenge you experienced at Yempo and how was it solved?

One of the challenges I have experienced was in my first few days of working with Yempo. It was the annual audit of 2020 and it was very challenging to work on that project since they are auditing the years that I am not part of. Luckily with the help of my manager, we were able to complete and finish the annual audit of 2020.

What do you like best about Yempo’s culture?

Great management who values employees and who provides a work-life balance environment.

Which core value (commitment, excellence, community) is the most important to you? Why?

I value commitment. Once you are committed, you need discipline and hard work to get you there.

Where do you see your career 5 years from now?

I am certain that the coming five years will be productive for me. Working in an esteemed organization with a positive work environment can be rewarding. I can picture myself growing to the position I am working on.

Do you have quotes, advice, or mottos that you follow that might inspire other Yempo employees?

Trust the timing of your life.