Yempo PH Blogs

Employee Spotlight: Mich

Employee Spotlight: Mich

Mich joined Yempo in January 2020, a new job to usher in the new year. What was supposed to be a calm transition period for a new employee became a baptism by fire, as she was pushed to provide remote support to everyone during the lockdown. Many months later, Mich has thrived amid the challenges. Read on to learn more about her Yempo experience.

Can you describe your role at Yempo?

My role as an Administrative Support Supervisor, in general, is to provide administrative and HR support to the Manila sites. This includes managing office permits, supplies, timekeeping, HMO enrollment, employee relations, onboarding and offboarding of employees, among others.

When did you start working at Yempo?

I started working with Yempo in January 2020, three (3) months before the Covid19 lockdown.

What can Yempo employees contact you about?

They can contact me about anything related to timekeeping, HMO enrollment, and leave notices especially if they have difficulty sending emails due to emergencies or power blackouts, or even if they just want a quick chat. 😊

Can you share any latest projects you’re working on in 2021?

Together with the rest of the back-office team, we are working on documenting and streamlining internal processes.

What do you love most about your job?

I love the interaction with the employees.

What are your strongest skills?

I am good with time management.

What was a challenge you experienced at Yempo and how was it solved?

One challenge that I can think of was when we went into lockdown and my HR counterpart resigned while the other one was on maternity leave. I was the only one left to handle their tasks. With the support of management and other colleagues, we were able to pull through.

What do you like best about Yempo’s culture?

The management support and friendly employees.

Which core value (commitment, excellence, community) is the most important to you? Why?

Commitment. When you are committed to something, you are more likely to be happy and productive, so excellence is not far behind.

Where do you see your career 5 years from now?

To be promoted.

Do you have quotes, advice, or mottos that you follow that might inspire other Yempo employees?

“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”